To start, I have a very interesting life! Maybe not quite as interesting as others, but I must say interesting! I have the advantage of being amazing. Then of course you have all of my friends who helped me become amazing!
Now to really begin! Let's start when I just started some where, not the end and not the precise the beginning, but close enough to the point where it is actually important! I was walking through school, just moved some where else, hoping to find someone to be my friend, no luck on the first day, same with the one after that and after that..... so to say, now it will get to the good part!.... I met someone, he was really nice and welcoming, he invited me to sit with him and his group of friends, from then on we have been good friends! We still talk, just moved again! One day While walking to my first class, I had been there about half a year or more. I sat down in my first class got out what I needed, I believe it was art. I overheard my teacher talking to the principal about a student getting hit by a car! I didn't know if I heard it right. We continued on through that class with out the teacher saying anything, when it came to announcements which were really late that day for some odd reason, the principal was on and said..... "One of our students was hit by car and is being rushed to the hospital, the medics are unsure if she will make it." I sat there and thought to myself, I heard it right, how sad, for once I don't want to be right, or hear anything right! I felt so bad for her family and her friends, I was still not sure who this girl was. In my second period, Drama, I figured it out. Her name was Madison Mecum. She was the first girl to help me around with my classes. We were not particularly friends, but close enough for me! Everyone was so quiet. The announcements went on and the principal said, "She has made it to Sacred Heart Medical Center." I heard some sighs of relief and then some worried cries, and some other things. I sat down and tried not to cry, hard but still capable. I saw people all around me now swallowed up in sadness and grief. I don't think I had seen so much in a school before, yeah people die here and there, but when it comes to her, she was so kind and sweet and very popular. So I wasn't surprised on how many people knew her! When I went to my fourth period, History, I heard a girl say, "Well it's a good thing she got hurt, she was getting on my nerves, so it was either that car that hit her or it was going to be me!" I was going to say something until one of Madi's friends stood up, turned around and looked at the girl who said that and started telling her off of how amazing Madi was! Yes she was fairly amazing! Where does my amazingness come in? Soon... I promise... We were sitting in Math, the "best" class ever! When my teacher stood up in front of the class with a sorrowful look on his face. I was hoping he would say something like, "She will be alright, just slightly paralyzed." But no... instead he said, "You know the girl that got hit, well...... umm..... she died..." There was a long pause of silence. I heard crying in the hallway in the classroom across the way and I could almost feel it emanating through out the entire school! That is when I lost my cool and started crying. I was sitting in my last class of the day when the intercom went on saying what had happened and what we were going to do for her. The Principal said, "She has passed, so instead of having a crazy hair day tomorrow like planned, we are going to have a Madi day, her favorite color was pink, so if you cold, wear pink. That will be all." I heard him sniffle a little before the intercom went off. Everyone was in tears. The next day Everyone wore pink, I mean EVERYONE! It was the quietest day ever at this school, or any!.... now my amazing part..... I asked the principal if we could play a song in remembrance of her. He of course said absolutely! I told him which one. When first class started, we were all seated and the announcements went on and the principal said, "We are going to have a remembrance song, it is we raise you up, by Josh Groban." the song started, tissues were passed, tears rolled down cheeks and of course there was absolutely NO TALKING! it was aloud, but no one was in the mood to! When the song was over I asked my teacher if we could just walk around the track, she agreed easily! Everyone wondered who requested the song. At the end of the day I told the teacher to tell the class that an angel did. She said it and a student said "I believe it was her dad!" Because a few years earlier her dad was in a car accident! Also passed! So that is what I will leave you with, don't start crying! I just say, God needed her more than we needed her!
I remember that happening, it was really hard on me because that was around when my family was going through my parent's divorce.
ReplyDeleteMadi was very loved throught the school, I found myself comforting several of my friends who were close, by the end of the day, my eyes were puffed, and I still didn't know who she was until I saw a picture!
Madi and I hardly even knew each other, but somehow some part of me misses her, but I'm so glad she got to return to her father above. I know she's with her dad, and she's waiting for her family for just a small time.
Love you lots!